Thursday 17 May 2012

The Mindscape of Alan Moore.

Alan Moore takes us on a philosophical exploration of Art, Mysticism and Magic. One of the most interesting Documentaries I've watched in a long time ♥♥♥

"I believe all culture must have arisen from cult.
Originally, all of the facets of our culture, whether
they'd be in the Arts or the Sciences were the province
of the Shaman. The fact that in present times, this
Magical power has degenerated to the level of cheap
entertainment and manipulation, is I think a tragedy.
At the moment the people who are using Shamanism and
Magic to shape our culture are the advertisers. Rather
than try to wake people up, their Shamanism is used as
an opiate to tranquilize people, to make people more
manipulable. Their Magic box of television, and by their
Magic words, their jingles, can cause everybody in the
country to be thinking the same banal thoughts, all at
exactly the same moment"

"In all Magic, there is an incredibly large linguistic
component. The Bardic tradition of Magic would place a
Bard as being much higher and more fearsome than the
Magician. A Magician might curse you. That might make
your Hens lay funny or you might have a child born with
a club foot. If a Bard were to place not a curse upon you,
but a satire, then that could destroy you in the eyes of
your associates, it would destroy you in the eyes of your
family. It would destroy you in your own eyes. And if it
was a finely worded and clever satire that might survive
and be remembered for decades, even centuries, then years
after you were dead, people still might be reading it and
laughing at you and your wretchedness and your absurdity.
Writers and people who had command of words were respected
and feared as people who manipulated Magic.

In latter times, I think that Artists and Writers have
allowed themselves to be sold down the river. They have
accepted the prevailing belief that Art, that Writing
are merely forms of entertainment. They're not seen as
transformative forces that can change a human being, that
can change society. They are seen as simple entertainment,
things with which we can fill 20 minutes, half an hour while
we're waiting to die."

- Alan Moore


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