Thursday, 24 November 2011


From the album 'Cosmos' 2007 ♥♥♥



dream Fortress


3 new designs created yesterday, whilst listening to 'Grimes' : )

Prophecy - Brian Eno (Long Version)

One of the finest tracks ever written.

Like God blowing into a Seashell.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011



Crystal Ball

Shadout Mapes


Heart Beats

FADER TV: Interview

I have to admit, I'm currently obsessed ♥ with Grimes : )

Without question some of the most exciting material I've heard like, well ...forever ♥ I've posted a selection of faves, but in all honesty I would have been happy to post her entire available back catalogue from Youtube : )

'Rachel Grimes' is apparently the stage name of Claire Boucher. A
insanely talented 22-year-old self-taught musician from Montreal. See interview, as you can probably gather
from her Music, she's way smart, funny and ridiculously Coooool.

She also paints! : ) See

You can Download 2 of her Albums 'Halfaxa' and (Dune Inspired) 'Geidi Primes' for free, or if you're feelin' flush, a donation from Arbutus Records


"For the Female the Alchemical Sign for 'Copper' ,that which is Soft, Venus. And for the Male the Alchemical sign for 'Iron' ,that which is hard, Mars" - Jacob Bronowski 'Ascent of Man' (1973) Episode 4 'The Hidden Structure'

watch Youtube

Friday, 18 November 2011

Purity Ring - Lofticries

♥♥♥♥ Film Footage from 'Thriller – A Cruel Picture' starring Christina Lindberg written and directed by Bo Arne Vibenius (1973)

One of the main inspirations behind Tarantino's Kill Bill.

Firs - Destroyer of Worlds


Class Actress - Keep You


'I Love Beer and Graff' Blog

Graff, Girls and Beer! ♥

Love this Blog, Fresh from the North East (UK)! check it out here :-

I ♥ Beer and Graff

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


"In Greek mythology, Mercury as Hermes, messenger of the Gods, has one foot in the physical world and another in the realm of the unseen"

Myrkur - Why

Off the Scale ♥♥♥.

Myrkur Soundcloud

June Miller - Neurosis

June Miller - Isis

Thursday, 3 November 2011

New 'Molly' Tee from Intrigue

New 'Molly' Tee, Available now from Intrigue Music

Also available from Chemical Records.

Depth Affect - Dani Guimauve


Kuedo - Vectoral

Rustie - After Light

The Horror...

Position of Camera.

1 level 7 event, 3 Nuclear Meltdowns, 1 eerie, apoplectic, pointing TEPCO worker ...a master class in Abstract horror.

Fukushima 24 hour live cam

Fuku1live ふくいちライブカメラ映像アーカイブ Youtube